29 May 2008

The Culture of D'Oh.

Sometimes, all you need is a Homer Simpson moment. I had one today. It was pretty awesome.

(Alot, your house list is coming next, my dear.)


a little of this, a little of that... said...

What? You are not going to tell us what your Homer moment entailed?

Anonymous said...

That's between me and Homer, darlin.

Essentially Me said...

Ah Homer Simspon. My hero.

a little of this, a little of that... said...

Well, glad what ever it was "awesome," whatever it was.

Anonymous said...

That's between me and Homer is hilarious.

I could use a Lisa Simpson moment one of these days. Little too much Homer going around.

Uncle Dick Madeley said...

I know what you mean. 'Doh' is my second favourite word.