26 January 2009

CK Dexter Haven! Oh, CK Dexter Haven!

This weekend, I watched The Philadelphia Story (starring Katharine Hepburn, Carey Grant, Jimmy Stewart and Ruth Hussey) for what must be the thirtieth time. Every time I see this film I notice another thing that magnifies how brilliant this ensemble cast worked to create a film that makes language, pun, 'inundo' (You, know, 'inundo!), comebacks and zingers into true works of art.

I know that I've written about conversation and chemistry before, and I know that this is a scripted series of conversations, but there's no mistaking the chemistry between and among the characters in this film. I love when this type of chemistry exists between friends and I love when I am fast enough to participate in conversations that sound as though they could be extra scenes in a movie like The Philadelphia Story.

There's a terrific rhythm to great conversation, isn't there?

1 comment:

Dexter Colt said...

I have never seen it, but I never met a Dexter I didn't like.